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scary thoughts

268: “Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts” with Karen Kleiman

Watch on YouTube: "Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts" We continue in the month of May, Mental Health Awareness Month! We always need more awareness and advocacy for mental health in general, but for far too long, maternal mental health has been underrecognized and underdiagnosed. So many people have suffered without good resources and the proper support…

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salud mental materna

267: Groundbreaking Spanish Language Perinatal Mental Health Training and Resources

Watch on YouTube: Salud Mental Materna Sabemos que 1 de cada 7 mujeres (1 de cada 10 padres) experimenta síntomas de depresión y ansiedad durante su etapa posparto. Los Trastornos del Estado de Ánimo Perinatal (PMD) durante el embarazo y dentro del primer año después del parto, pueden manifestarse en las personas de todas las…

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