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returning to work

338: Behind The Sessions: Returning to Work After a Perinatal Mental Health Condition

Watch on YouTube: Returning to Work After a Perinatal Mental Health Condition Many factors influence the transition to parenthood, and most of those things are unexpected and unpredictable. No one “signs up for” a perinatal mental health condition, but it can seem to come out of nowhere and leave you blindsided–in addition to the normal…

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alanis morissette

336: In Conversation with Alanis Morissette and Postpartum Support International

Watch on YouTube: In Conversation with Alanis Morissette and Postpartum Support International We have a very special episode to share with you today. I’m deeply honored to host Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, thought leader, and wholeness advocate, Alanis Morissette! She is joined by the president and CEO of Postpartum Support International, Dr. Wendy Davis! Alanis found…

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postpartum OCD

334: A Therapist’s Postpartum OCD and How Shame Prevents Seeking Help with Ellen Chance, Ph.D.

Watch on YouTube: Understanding Why You Feel Rage with Bianca Sprague It is more common than you might think to experience both anger and rage in the transition to parenthood, and those emotions happen for a variety of reasons and are caused by a multitude of factors. In today’s episode, we are covering all aspects…

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331: A Mom’s Journey Through Neurodivergence and Perinatal Mental Health

Watch on YouTube: A Mom's Journey Through Neurodivergence and Perinatal Mental Health Many people don’t realize that a neurodivergent diagnosis in childhood can be a risk factor for perinatal mental health issues later in life. Join us for today’s conversation with Tiffany! A Mom's Journey Through Neurodivergence and Perinatal Mental Health Show Highlights Tiffany’s story…

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overstimulation and sensory overload

316: Overstimulation and Sensory Overload in Motherhood

Watch on YouTube: 316: Overstimulation and Sensory Overload in Motherhood We have all been in the place of overstimulation, even if we didn’t recognize what was happening at the time. The transition into parenthood is ripe with opportunities for overstimulation and sensory overload. Today’s episode helps us better understand how and why we are overstimulated,…

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