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Postpartum Anxiety

183: Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD – Alisa’s Story

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorder can leave you feeling lost, alone, and confused by the symptoms. This is why it’s so important that we hear personal stories of others that show us we are not alone. Alisa Pastecki is a Sales Executive for a network equipment and services provider that works with telecommunications companies all…

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161: Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, Twice

Today’s show is another moving, personal story of the journey from pain to healing, and all that happens in the middle. My guest tells the story of how cultural challenges added yet another layer of complexity to her postpartum depression and anxiety experience. Esmeralda Cardenas is a bilingual Licensed Professional Counselor in San Antonio, Texas.…

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158: Jen’s Story through Postpartum Depression, Postpartum Anxiety, and Rage

One aspect of postpartum depression and anxiety that doesn’t get much attention is the rage that comes along with these issues. People who experience this rage can feel overwhelmed and confused, and it can be a scary scenario. Today’s guest shares her story of how she came through postpartum depression, anxiety, and rage, and how…

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133: An Egg Donor’s Journey Through Perinatal PTSD, Depression and Anxiety

Sometimes traumas occur that aren’t discussed or supported in the ways they should be. It takes some brave soul to forge the path in changing the narrative for those who follow. Today’s show is an important conversation of a personal story of egg donation, what can go wrong, and the emotional trauma that might follow. …

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