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204: Cultural Narratives in Motherhood, Immigration and Perinatal Mental Health

As we continue to celebrate Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, we take a deep dive into the cultural factors that affect perinatal mental health. Today’s guest shares how she’s working to support black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) through the perinatal mental health journey as they transition to parenthood. Divya Kumar is a South…

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203: When Pregnancy Isn’t “Magical”: Anxiety, Depression and Treatment with Actress Liz Masucci

We can all draw strength and community from the stories of others. Today’s guest uses her talents in acting, producing, and writing to inform and educate people about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Her overriding messages are that everyone deserves help and support so they don’t feel like she did, isolated and alone. Elizabeth Masucci…

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200: Multiple Pregnancy Losses – Impacts on Mental Health and Subsequent Pregnancies

Today’s guest shares her personal story of recurrent pregnancy loss, including early miscarriage and multiple ectopic pregnancies. She shares how her mental and emotional healing journey led to the writing of a book. Kim Hooper is the author of several novels; her latest is No Hiding in Boise, which comes out this June. She and…

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199: Personal Experience with Postpartum Depression: Insights about Babies’ Language Development

It’s always helpful to hear someone’s personal story because it will resonate with many more people than they might think. My guest today shares her experience with postpartum depression, which was made even more shocking because it occurred several months after the birth of her second child. Join us to hear Emily’s story. Emily Adler…

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