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393: Healing Trauma After an Emergency Hysterectomy


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Healing Trauma After an Emergency Hysterectomy

My guest shares her story of an uncomplicated pregnancy that resulted in an emergency hysterectomy just minutes after her daughter’s birth. Join us to hear her story of grief, trauma, feelings of isolation, and healing.

Healing Trauma After an Emergency Hysterectomy​ Show Highlights:

  • Lindsey’s story of her first pregnancy and facing the unknowns of maternal mental health after a history of mental health struggles
  • Lindsey’s daughter’s birth: progression from a planned vaginal birth to C-section (healthy baby delivered!) to complete chaos, concern, and a return to the OR because of bleeding
  • From calm moments to “Am I dying?” in only 10-15 minutes
  • Major decisions to be made by Lindsey’s husband
  • Finding out the results and implications of her life-saving surgery
  • An ICU stay of 2 days followed by 5-6 more days in the hospital before taking her baby home
  • What life was like for Lindsey after coming home with a newborn after almost losing her life
  • Lindsey’s mental and emotional state during her recovery
  • Feeling emotional heaviness and the stress of motherhood when the reality of postpartum set in
  • How therapy, medication changes, and advocating for herself helped Lindsey
  • Decisions, adjustments, and healing that are still ongoing for Lindsey
  • How Lindsey’s experience has changed her therapy specialty
  • Fact: We live in a world where people feel free to comment on pregnant women’s bodies.
  • There is much work still to be done!
  • Lindsey’s message of hope to those who are struggling

About Lindsey Harris, LPC

Lindsey Harris is a mental health therapist in Princeton, TX, and she specializes in the treatment of eating disorders, anxiety, and depression. She brings a deeply personal perspective to mental health conversations after experiencing postpartum depression and birth trauma in 2023. Her journey has spurred her to be a passionate advocate for maternal mental health and the importance of support during life’s most vulnerable moments.


Connect with Lindsey Harris: Website and Instagram

Call the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA or visit

Please find resources in English and Spanish at Postpartum Support International, or by phone/text at 1-800-944-4773. There are many free resources, like online support groups, peer mentors, a specialist provider directory, and perinatal mental health training for therapists, physicians, nurses, doulas, and anyone who wants to better support people for whom they provide services. 

Visit for resources and support! 

Visit for information on the grief course.  

Tools, Skills and Hacks for New Moms


  • Manage thoughts & feelings of overwhelm

  • Learn how breathing & grounding help reach calmness

  • Exercises to find peace