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318: Healing Perinatal Trauma Through Psychodynamic and Somatic Therapy
My guest today is doing important work with perinatal mental health through psychodynamic and somatic therapy. There is a great need for this therapeutic modality to be available to people who need it and for more training to be accessible to care providers. Join us to learn more!
Healing Perinatal Trauma Through Psychodynamic and Somatic Therapy Show Highlights
Why the perinatal period is a time of the clashing of biology and culture because of the vast changes to the body and nervous system
How Dr. Helena’s integrative treatment model combines somatic approaches with psychoanalytic tools
How Dr. Helena explains the basics of somatic therapy (aka somatic psychology or body psychotherapy)
How Dr. Helena explains the basics of psychodynamic therapy
How Dr. Helena’s book addresses trauma in the perinatal period with a broader concept beyond just PTSD
How the perinatal period is an opportunity for a parent to rework their relationships, along with their role and identity
Important principles around nervous system regulation in the perinatal period
Why sensory awareness is the starting point—and only happens when a person slows down
How Dr. Helena explains “maternal body fullness”
How trauma healing occurs when the tendency is avoidance
Dr. Helena’s message of hope: “It is possible to heal. Healing is not easy and may take a while, but it is possible.”
About Dr. Helena Vissing
Dr. Helena Vissing is a licensed psychologist certified in perinatal mental health as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She is experienced as an adjunct faculty member and on the training committee of Maternal Mental Health NOW where she provides consultations and helps train providers. Helena has written a book on her biopsychosocial model for the treatment of trauma in the perinatal period published with Routledge and titled, Somatic Maternal Healing: Psychodynamic and Somatic Trauma Treatment for Perinatal Mental Health.
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