Welcome to the Mom and Mind Podcast
Discover everything that no one tells you about mental health and motherhood, but you NEED to know!
-Hosted by Dr. Kat
Free resource to help you cope
Learn from others how they have managed and healed
Expert interviews
Postpartum Depression is Real
But there’s so much more to the story.
Mom and Mind is a weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Kat, a Psychologist and specialists in perinatal mental health.
And she understands the subject personally, not just professionally.
After giving birth in 2010, Dr. Kat struggled with feelings of depression and anxiety. Even though she was a Psychologist at the time, it left her confused and she remembers feeling isolated and alone.
She felt guilty because she wasn’t enjoying her motherhood journey.
Once she made it out the other side, she decided that she didn’t want other women to go through what she just survived. That’s when she decided to specialize in perinatal mood disorders.
Dr. Kat wanted to get the information, education, and support to those who needed it most. She didn’t want it to be reserved for conferences and training sessions.
Dr. Kat wants YOU to have access to the information and resources that she has as a perinatal mental health professional.
And so in 2016, Mom & Mind was born
Do you struggle with any of these issues?
- Do you feel overly sad or depressed a lot of the time?
- Do you snap at others, or feel easily irritated?
- Do you feel alone, or like you’re the only one who feels like you do?
- Is it difficult to find real talk that reflects how you’re feeling?
- Do you experience anger or rage?
- Do you feel like a terrible mother?
- Have you had panic attacks, or feel anxious often?
- Are you struggling to bond with your baby?
- Do you feel as if you’re losing your mind?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Mom & Mind Podcast is for you!
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