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Postponing Sleep: Time Alone or Anxiety?
Today’s episode covers a common problem I see with clients in therapy; it’s the issue of fighting sleep. People are exhausted, running on empty, and not getting the sleep they need. When the kids go to bed, there is an urge to stay awake and get…
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Postpartum Healing After D-MER and Sleep Deprivation
Explore postpartum healing as Alicia shares her struggles with depression, D-MER, and sleep deprivation, and how she triumphed as a new parent. Today’s guest shares her experience with postpartum depression and how she got through it to the other side. Sleep deprivation is common for…
Lauren DePaola, LCSW SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP! We are talking about a very important topic…SLEEP! We’ve all heard that new moms and parents don’t sleep when they have a baby, but its actually a pretty huge deal. Lauren DePaola is going to give us the information we need to know about how it Impacts us and…
Parijat Deshpande – High Risk Pregnancy Wellness Expert I’m excited to share the second interview in our series with Parijat Deshpande. In our first interview, Episode 21: High Risk Pregnancy? Who, What, How & Thrive, We discussed how high risk pregnancy might lead to bed rest, so please go check that out too! In this episode,…