Today’s focus is on pediatric occupational therapy and how it helps many families with a variety of feeding, swallowing, and developmental issues. Aviril (Apple) Sepulveda, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BSP, SCFES, IBCLC is a board-certified pediatric occupational therapist with over 20 years of experience. She spent most of her career in pediatrics at a children’s hospital…
Even in our modern world, we still have progress to make in terms of education around pregnancy, motherhood, and maternal mental health. Education and information are key in keeping parents from feeling blindsided and helping them feel supported when issues arise. Out of her personal motherhood experience, my guest is making an impact in the…
The world of parental leave is difficult to navigate. Understanding your rights, options, and the law can be incredibly confusing. How do you prepare for taking leave, being out on leave, and returning to work? It’s important to look at this issue collaboratively to make it a supportive situation for both the individual and the…
The podcast is six years old this month! With well over 220 episodes, I’m thrilled to know we are reaching so many people in the US and about 90 other countries in the world! What’s most important is that we are getting the message out about perinatal mental health and telling the important personal stories…
Postpartum depression—and comedy. Do these really go together? You might be surprised that anyone can join the two, but my guest today has a passion for women who are suffering as she did, and she hopes to raise awareness and erase the stigma around postpartum depression (PPD). Because of what she has been through, she…
Today’s show takes a look at the difficult topics of postpartum psychosis and infanticide through the eyes of the filmmakers of the documentary, Not Carol. The film covers the story of Carol Coronado, who was convicted of the 2014 murders of her three young daughters in CA while highlighting the desperate need for education and…