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206: Healing After Miscarriage, Birth, and Postpartum Anxiety

Today’s show marks five years of this podcast. It’s been an unbelievable journey speaking to guests who share their stories and experiences so we can all work to raise the volume on these perinatal mental health conditions. Five years, 206 episodes—and we’re still going strong! Heidi McBain shares her story of birth trauma, miscarriage, and…

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199: Personal Experience with Postpartum Depression: Insights about Babies’ Language Development

It’s always helpful to hear someone’s personal story because it will resonate with many more people than they might think. My guest today shares her experience with postpartum depression, which was made even more shocking because it occurred several months after the birth of her second child. Join us to hear Emily’s story. Emily Adler…

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192: Colic, Postpartum Anxiety and Postpartum Depression

Today’s show covers a topic of great concern and high stress for many parents. Many of us don’t understand colic and how to soothe a colicky baby. Today’s guest shares how her experience raising her colicky newborn daughter affected her life and her mental health. Jacqueline DelVecchio is a licensed mental health counselor in Salem,…

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190: Postpartum Body Image, Disordered Eating, and Finding Freedom

Weight-loss struggles, eating disorders, endless dieting shame–we all know what it feels like to be stuck with these issues. None of these contribute to mental wellness, joy, and contentment. The problems are compounded for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. If you’re stuck in the shame cycle about your body shape and dieting failures,…

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