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80: Impacts of Relational Trauma on Perinatal Mental Health

Andrea Schneider, LCSW is sharing with us about how our difficult, toxic or traumatic past relationships might affect our journey into motherhood, fatherhood and parenthood. This fascinating discussion digs deeper into how we may respond, behave and interact as new parents…based on our own early experiences with our own caregivers, parents or influential difficult relationships. We…

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75: Expectful – Guided Meditation for Pregnancy Loss & Beyond

Expectful offers guided meditations for all of the transitions through motherhood from fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood. They heard feedback that many mothers who experienced pregnancy loss, didn’t have guided meditation support they needed. So, they teamed up with Dr. Jessica Zucker, who is well known for her strong advocacy through the #ihadamiscarriage campaign. Together, they made a beautiful…

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