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400: Stories That Heal: Celebrating 400 Episodes on Perinatal Mental Health

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Stories That Heal: Celebrating 400 Episodes on Perinatal Mental Health

I am super excited to bring you our 400th episode! I want to reflect on these almost 9 years, honoring the guests who have shared their stories and the experts who have shared their knowledge and wisdom about pathways to healing. I never would have imagined in 2016 that reaching 400 episodes was a possibility. To each listener, I say a heartfelt thank you for listening and learning through our journey together, diving into all the aspects of perinatal mental health. I hope that this podcast will continue to be a resource of help and support for those who need it. Our field is expanding and awareness is growing about perinatal mental health—and that’s a win-win for all of us. 

Stories That Heal: Celebrating 400 Episodes on Perinatal Mental Health​ Show Highlights:


Connect with Georgia Etheridge Stephens and The Pod: Website and Instagram

Call the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA or visit

Please find resources in English and Spanish at Postpartum Support International, or by phone/text at 1-800-944-4773. There are many free resources, like online support groups, peer mentors, a specialist provider directory, and perinatal mental health training for therapists, physicians, nurses, doulas, and anyone who wants to better support people for whom they provide services. 

Visit for resources and support! 

Visit for information on the grief course.  

Tools, Skills and Hacks for New Moms


  • Manage thoughts & feelings of overwhelm

  • Learn how breathing & grounding help reach calmness

  • Exercises to find peace