Maternal Mental Health Week is Here! 4/30-5/4
World Maternal Mental Health day is Wednesday 5/2
We are addressing the myths of motherhood and parenthood while digging a little deeper to see how those myths become the beliefs that we carry about ourselves.
What are these myths? So glad you asked! They basically sound like perfection at it’s most perfect…
* You will get pregnant easily
* You and your baby will be healthy
* You will love being pregnant and being a mother
* You will know what to do and how to do it
* Breastfeeding will be easy
* You will instantly bond with your baby postpartum
And so on…What can you add to the list? WELL, what happens when these myths don’t become reality????
We feel like failures. We blame ourselves. We think that we did something wrong. We feel like bad mothers.
Let’s tear this down and start over. Yes, some people have these really lovely experiences, but for those of us who don’t…we are suffering by the pain of these “failures”. I say, we say, that’s enough. Let’s call it out and realize that you’re working so hard and you are a good mom.
Join in and raise your voices for #maternalmentalhealth
This week check out these organizations…
The Blue Dot Project
#realmotherhood #noshame
Maternal Mental Health Day (5/2):
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Dr. Kat offers perinatal mental health psychotherapy . consultation and training for the following:
Pregnancy Loss Support
Pregnancy Anxiety
Postpartum Anxiety
Pregnancy Depression