Pregnancy and Postpartum Resources and Websites:
Information & Support:
- www.postpartum.net Postpartum SupportInternational
- www.postpartumstress.com– The Postpartum Stress Center
Task Forces and Collaboratives in So Cal:
- www.2020mom.org – 2020Mom
- www.mmhcoalition.com – National Maternal Mental Health Coalition
- www.maternalmentalhealthnow.org – Maternal Mental Health Now
- www.iepmhc.org– Inland Empire Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative
- www.themotherhoodconsortium.com – The Motherhood Consortium
Birth Support:
- www.dona.org/mothers/index.php Doula Support
- www.first5la.org– First 5 California
- www.first5la.org/Welcome-Baby
- www.first5sanbernardino.org/Home.aspx
Pregnancy and Newborn loss:
- Angels Born Still
- Return to Zero
- Shoshana Center
- www.compassionatefriends.org-Compassionate Friends
- www.marchofdimes.com/Baby/loss.html-March of Dimes
- www.foreverfootprints.org-Forever Footprints
Medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding:
- www.mothertobaby.org – information on medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- www.infantrisk.com – information and articles on medication risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Resources just for Dads:
- www.postpartumdads.org
- www.postpartummen.com
- www.postpartum.net/get-help/resources-for-fathers
- Dr. Will Courtenay – Men’s postpartum depression and therapy- Bay Area
- Dr. Daniel Singley– New Dad support and therapy- San Diego
Pregnancy and Postpartum Articles and Readings:
- http://womensmentalhealth.org/-MGH Center for Womens Mental Health
- This article discusses the benefits of internet therapy for postpartum depression: http://psychcentral.com/news/2013/10/26/internet-therapy-may-ease-postpartum-depression/61212.html